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How do I ask a seller about more information or a specific question on an item?After logging in, select the auction item you want to ask the seller a question about and click "Send question to seller."
How do I log in and/or register ?To do the initial registration or subsequently log into your account, go to "" if you're not already there. Click "Regsister now" or "Login" in the menu bar.
How do I change or add further information to my account profile?Once logged in, click on "My control panel" in the menu bar. Then on the left hand side, under heading "Edit settings", click "Edit your personal profile."
What tools do I have on the website to monitor my account?After login, click "My control panel" and in this section you can view all aspects of your account.
How do I change my password?After logging in, click on the "My control panel" in the menu bar, then select "Edit your personal details". To change your password, enter your newly chosen password in the two password fields and click "Save changes" at the bottom of the page.
What are the terms and conditions under which the site operate and which the transfer of ownership apply?Please refer to the terms and conditions link in the footer of each page. It is important that these are read and understood.
How do I view the auction lots I have listed ?You can view the auction lots you have listed in the "My control panel" section. You can view active/closed and suspended auction lots under the "selling" section on the left hand side.
How do I see the bid history on any lots ?Click on the auction lot and then click "View bid history."
How do I remove an item that I have listed ?This cannot be done by the Seller on the site and as such any item can only be removed by the admin team at Niche Auctions. Please email with the full details of the lot to be removed and the reason why it has to be removed.
How do I list an item on and what options do I have ?After Logging in click 'Sell an item' in the menu bar and fill in the listing page which allows photographs and video to be uploaded and has a number of categories and options for you to complete relevant to the items. This information is all displayed in the listing. Please notes and information uploaded onto the Website must not:- 1. Be false, inaccurate, or misleading. 2. Infringe any copyright. 3. Be fraudulent or involve the sale of counterfeit or stolen items. 4. Be in breach of any applicable laws and regulations. 5. Link directly or indirectly to include descriptions of goods or services that are prohibited under these terms and conditions. 6. Be unfit for purpose. 7. Be terrorist, defamatory, obscene, or offensive content.
What restrictions are there on items I can list on the site?Items listed on the site must be either Rigid Inflatable boats (with or without trailers), and/or outboards. No other items should be listed. Obviously, any item which is illegal to own or trade in must not be listed. reserve the right within the terms and conditions of the site to remove any item which it feels is not suitable.
What if I am also listing or trying to sell and item through another site or medium ?If you are also trying to sell an item through another site or medium at the same time as listing it on then this must be clearly stated in the description and that if it is also being sold through an alternative method the listing may be removed before the auction ends.
How do I cancel a listing for an item ?This cannot be done by the Seller on the site and as such any item can only be removed by the admin team at Niche Auctions. Please email with the full details of the lot to be removed and the reason why it has to be removed.
How do I view the list of items I am watching ?After logging in, click "My control panel" and under the "Buying" section click "Watchlist." If you've added an auction lot to your watchlist, you will receive notifications of activity on that lot by email.
How do Buyers ask me any specific questions about an item and how do I respond ?You will be notified by email if a Buyer has asked you a question. A Buyer can ask a question on an auction lot by selecting the auction lot and click "Send question to seller ." When you log in as a Seller, under "Reminders" you will see "1 users are awaiting feedback from you (View)", click view to answer the question. You as a Seller can decide whether you want that question and answer made public so that anyone can benefit from the buyer's question. In turn, the Buyer will be notified by email that you have answered his/her question..
Brokerage transaction through the siteAny company acting as a broker selling a boat on a customer’s behalf can utilise the Site in addition to their other forms of marketing. The broker would agree with its customer to sell a Rib at a minimum fixed price (say, for example £10,000) out of which the broker would deduct their commission (for example and ease of maths say this is £15%, i.e. £1,500), so if the broker sold the rib outside of at £10,000 the customer would receive £8,500. If the broker places the RIB on they would set a minimum reserve of £10,000 to ensure that the set price agreed with their customer is achieved. If the Rib sold on for a hammer price of £10,000 then the buyer would pay £10,000 + the buyer premium and would then pay the £10,000 hammer price to the broker to enable them to deduct the brokerage fee of £1,500 and so pay the customer the agreed £8,500. Obviously being an auction, would hope that the Price went above the £10,000 reserve and if it went for, say £15,000 then the buyer would pay the hammer price of £15,000 + buyer’s premium). would pay the £15,000 hammer price to the broker, who would then deduct their Brokerage fee (at 15% this would be £2,250) and so pay your customer £12,750. Please note Items can be listed on the site with the statement that they are being marketed elsewhere and so if they are sold independently to any buyer without them coming through the site the item can be removed from by contracting Any sales which have involved a buyer coming through the site must be transacted through the site and not sold independently.
Once I have posted an ad, how can I edit the listing?Once you have posted an item on, you can edit your listing as long as no bids have been placed on your listing. To edit your listing, click on your listing and just below the main heading, click the blue button "Seller: Edit this auction."
Where is the search engine to best find the items I want?'s site allows you to filter auctions to your exact requirements by ticking boxes in the filter headings seen on the left hand side next to the auction lot listing.
How do I bid on an item?After logging in select the auction lot you wish to bid on. Enter your bid amount and click "Place bid", on the next page you will see your bid amount plus the buyer's fee. You confirm your bid by clicking "Confirm bid."
Can I cancel my bid?You are unable to cancel a bid. By making a bid, as in any auction, you are committing to purchase that item at the amount + buyers premium which you have bid.
What are the fees associated with are no sellers fee or listing fee and no additional fee for setting a reserve - just a buyers fee. Buyer’s fee is 10% on all items capped at a maximum of £500.
How is the best way to navigate around the site ?To move around the site the best method is to either use the 'home' button in the menu bar. To view the previous page use the go back arrow on your browser.
Best practice for wanting to win an auction lot.If you are interested in a particular auction lot, the first thing to do is to register an account. Once you've done that, on the auction lot detail page, add the item to your watchlist. You will then be notified by email when anyone else bids on the item. Once you have placed your bid, check back on the auction lot detail page and check whether "the reserve price is met." A Seller may have stipulated a reserve price for his/her auction lot. If the reserve is not met, you will have to enter a higher bid until the reserve price is met and you are the highest bidder. In the "My controm panel" un der section ":Buying" you can view your current bids.
I have won an item what happens next?Upon placing a bid, should they be successful, the buyer is entering a legal contract to pay for the item at the price of the bid plus the buyer’s premium based upon the terms and conditions of the standard sales contract used by the site. The contract between the parties is created by offer and acceptance. Upon delivery/collection of an item both parties must complete and sign the standard sales contract and a copy/photograph of the fully executed contract must be sent to at Upon receipt of the signed sales contract Niche Auctions Ltd then releases the funds to the seller In the event of a sales contract not being received and no incident reports being received from the buyer or seller automatically to the seller after 35 days has elapsed from the time the funds were received by Niche Auctions Ltd, unless an incident report has been lodged within 30 days of the delivery of the goods. Please note that once you have won an item, you cannot place further bids on other auction lots until you have paid for the auction lot you won in full. The system will display a message stating "Account suspended."
How can I pay for an item I have won?Log-in to You will see a message to say that your Buyer's Fee is due. This fee is to be paid in order for you to place further bids or list an auction item. To pay for your actual auction item, select menu item "My control panel" and then on the left hand side, select under heading "Buying", "Auctions you won". You will then see the auction you have won and select "Pay." You will then be taken to the Opayo payment gateway. If you haven't yet completed your address details, you are asked to fill this in first.
How securely is the money that I have paid for an item held before it is released to the seller?Very securely ! Payment of the funds relating directly to the purchase of the item and payment of the buyer’s premium will be made (via a link on the Website) to Niche Auction’s Secure Client Account where they will be held and not form an asset of Niche Auctions Ltd or . Therefore, in the event of any business failing of or Niche Auctions client funds will be completely safe. Upon satisfactory completion of the transfer of ownership the funds are then released to the Seller.
As a seller when do I receive the funds for the sale?Upon delivery/collection of an item both parties must complete and sign the standard sales contract and a copy/photograph of the fully executed contract must be sent to at Upon receipt of the signed sales contract Niche Auctions Ltd then releases the funds to the seller In the event of a sales contract not being received and no incident reports being received from the buyer or seller, automatically to the seller after 35 days has elapsed from the time the funds were received by Niche Auctions Ltd and the goods were delivered, unless an incident report has been lodged within 30 days of the auction ending.
My item has not arrived, what do I do?In the first instance contact the seller and attempt to resolve that way. In the event of not being unable to contact the seller raise an incident report to within 30 days of the end of the auction. This will have the effect of placing the funds for the transaction on hold until the issue is resolved. All emails sent to this address will receive an immediate confirmation of receipt.
The item was not as described in the listing, what can I do?In the first instance contact the seller and attempt to resolve that way. In the event of not being unable to contact the seller raise an incident report to within 30 days of the end of the auction. This will have the effect of placing the funds for the transaction on hold until the issue is resolved. All emails sent to this address will receive an immediate confirmation of receipt.
How do I raise an incident report?Send an email to with the words @INCIDENT REPORT' in the header within 30 days of the end of the auction detailing the date and amount paid, the bank details from which the funds came and the item to which it relates and the reason why you are raising the incident report. All emails sent to this address will receive an immediate confirmation of receipt.
What are the legitimate reasons for stopping a transaction payment?The legitimate reasons for stopping a transaction payment by raising an incident report include:- Goods not yet arrived Goods not as described, not of merchantable quality or fit for purpose
How do I contact for assistance in resolving a matter?Please use the contact us page or email us at
I wish to return an item for a refund?Please contact the seller and arrange this. Also raise an incident report (see FAQs on how to do this) within 30 days of the end of the auction with yachts and bits. This will have the effect of placing the funds for the transaction on hold until the issue is resolved. When both parties have advised that the goods have been returned the transaction can be cancelled and the funds returned to the buyer.
How do I retract a bid?When placing a bid you are committed to purchase the item at this price + the buyers premium if you are successful in winning the item so a bid cannot be retracted.
How to report a complaint about a buyer or seller?Please use the contact us page or email us at and we will address any issues appropriately.
I think my account may have been hacked – help!Please contact us at heading your email ‘Hacked Account’ with a contact phone number and we will address any issues quickly. Whilst this has not happened to date we would close your account and move the profile to a new account and get you to set up revised passwords.
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